Milestones Chart
The milestones chart below is to be used as a general guideline for your child's development. It is common for children to meet some milestones early and some milestones later than other kids their age, as all children will develop at their own PACE. :)
Our milestones chart is from birth to 6 years old, and only includes gross motor and fine motor skills, as Pace Pediatric Therapy has occupational and physical therapists that are able to evaluate and work on these skills in children. If you have concerns or are looking to learn more about childhood development in other areas, we recommend you ask your pediatrician for a comprehensive milestones chart.
If you have concerns about your child's developmental milestones, please contact our office or your pediatrician.
If your child was born premature (under 38 weeks): Subtract the number of weeks they were born early from 40 weeks, and use that "adjusted age" for milestone charts until they are 2 years old.
For example, if your baby was born at 34 weeks, you will subtract 6 weeks (as they were born 6 weeks early) from their age. If your baby is currently 3 and 1/2 months old and you're looking at the chart, subtract 6 weeks. You will look at the 2 month milestones (0-3 months in the chart), and not the 3 and 1/2 month milestones (3-6 months in the chart).
Milestones Chart - Birth to 6 years
Gross motor skills are movements related to large muscles such as legs, arms, and trunk. These movements include crawling, walking, using stairs, jumping, kicking, and running. Physical therapists can help improve these skills.
Fine motor skills are movements involving smaller muscle groups such as those in the hand and wrist. These movements include using a fork, putting on pants, writing, or cutting paper with scissors. Occupational therapists can help improve these skills.
Self-care skills include eating, brushing teeth, dressing (including zippers and buttons), and grooming like brushing hair. Occupational therapists can help improve these skills.
0-3 months
Gross Motor
Turns head completely to left and right sides to follow toys or voices
Head is usually in the middle when laying down (not always to the left or right side)
Remains on belly for several minutes at a time while calm
2+ months: Fair head control when held
2+ months: Pushes through feet when held in standing
Fine Motor / Self-care
- Holds onto a finger or rattle with both hands
- Begins reaching for toys
- Opens and shuts hands
- Forms tight seal around nipple / bottle when sucking
3-6 months
Gross Motor
- When on tummy, lifts head high off the floor and pushes through arms
- Rolls from back to belly and belly to back
- Good head control
- Sits on floor with arm support
Fine Motor / Self-care
- When lying on back, reaches for toy held above them with left and right hands
- Brings hands and feet to mouth
- Holds toys for at least 30 seconds
6-9 months
Gross Motor
- By 7 months: Sits on floor without arm support with a straight back
- Able to play with toys while sitting
- Moves from sitting onto belly
- Crawls on belly and turns to left and right
- Stays on hands and knees for a few seconds
Fine Motor / Self-care
- Self feeds finger foods
- Closes lips to remove food from spoon
- Moves toy from one hand to the other
- Uses raking motion to grab beans / beads / food
- Grabs small object between thumb and index finger:
9-11 months
Gross Motor
- Crawls on hands and knees (about 1 month after belly crawling)
- Moves from lying on floor into sitting
- Moves from standing into sitting on the floor
- Pulls up into standing
- Squats to pick up a toy from the floor and returns to standing while holding onto furniture
- Cruises along furniture
Fine Motor / Self-care
- Drinks from open cup held by adult
- Releases toy into adult’s hand
- Removes both socks
- Claps hands
- Places 3-7 blocks in a container
- Picks up small item with thumb and index finger:
12-18 months
Gross Motor
- By 13 months: Stands without arm support
- By 13 months: Begins to walk with hands held
- Crawls up and down stairs
- Stands up from the floor without holding onto furniture or people
- Squats to pick up a toy from the floor and returns to standing without holding onto furniture
- Walks independently
Fine Motor / Self-care
- Tries to wash own hands/face
- Stacks 2-3 blocks
- Places 2 shapes into correct hole shape-sorter
- Scribbles on paper by holding pencil in a fist:
18 months-2 years
Gross Motor
- Carries toys while walking
- Takes steps backwards without falling
- Walks on grass and sidewalks without falling
- Climbs on and off furniture without help
- Begins to run (about 6 months after beginning walking by themselves)
- Walks up and down stairs with arm support, two feet per step
- Kicks, throws, and rolls a large ball
- Attempts to catch a large ball
Fine Motor / Self-care
- Turns 3 pages in a book, one at a time
- Stacks 4 - 6 blocks
- Draws vertical line
- Listens quietly to story, music, or video
- Removes loose clothing without help (jacket, hat, shirt)
- Puts on simple clothing
- Uses spoon without help
- Puts away familiar objects
2 - 2.5 years
Gross Motor
- Jumps with both feet at the same time
- Jumps down from a small step
- Walks up and down stairs with railings, one foot per step
- Walks on balance beam with 1 hand held
- Climbs up ladders
Fine Motor / Self-care
- Removes screw-on lid from bottle
- Starts taking turns
- Recognizes basic emotions in others
- Takes off socks, shoes, and loose pants
- Snips paper with scissors
- Draws horizontal line
- Strings 2 - 4 beads
2.5 - 3 years
Gross Motor
- Balances on 1 leg for 2 - 3 seconds
- Walks on balance beam
- Walks on tip-toes when asked
- Jumps forward 1 - 2 feet
- Pedals tricycle
Fine Motor / Self-care
- Potty trained (with occasional accidents)
- Can draw a circle
- Interacts well with others during group activities
- Holds pencil with fingers facing down:
3 - 3.5 years
Gross Motor
- Jumps over low objects
- Jumps forward about 2 feet
- Balances on 1 leg for 3 - 5 seconds
Fine Motor / Self-care
- Shares toys
- Cuts paper into 2 pieces
- Laces 3 holes
- Cuts paper along a line
- Traces horizontal line
- Unbuttons 3 buttons
3.5 - 4 years
Gross Motor
- Walks up stairs without railings, one foot per step
- Catches a bounced ball
- Can do hopscotch
- Hops on one foot
Fine Motor / Self-care
- Dresses self (except shoelaces)
- Buttons 1 button
- Draws people
- Copies own name
- Holds pencil like this:
4-5 years
Gross Motor
- Balances on 1 leg for 5 - 8 seconds
- Skips & Gallops
- Kicks a moving ball
- Walks down stairs without railings, one foot per step
- Catches a tennis ball in 1 hand
- 5 sit-ups
Fine Motor / Self-care
- Draws a square
- Cuts out a circle/square
- Connects dots by drawing straight lines
- Builds pyramid of blocks with visual
- Colors between vertical lines
- Toilets, wipes self, flushes toilet, and redresses independently
- Combs or brushes hair
5-6 years
Gross Motor
- Balances on 1 leg for at least 10 seconds
- Hops forward 20 feet
- Uses playground swing by kicking legs
- Jumps forwards 3 - 4 feet
- 8 knee push-ups
- 5-7 jumping jacks
Fine Motor / Self-care
- Folds paper in half twice
- Counts up to 20 objects
- Remains calm when small requests are denied
- Holds pencil like this: